Fundraising Hero: Graham Morritt – Cycle Fundraiser

We have so many fantastic supporters at AID! It is a great encouragement to hear that you are praying and giving and raising awareness of our projects. We love it when we hear of supporters taking initiative and starting fundraisers of their own.

Meet ‘Fundraising Hero’ Graham Morritt, a retired doctor and recreational cyclist who lives in Newcastle upon Tyne. Graham has supported AID for a long time and is particularly passionate about the Jonglei Health Sciences Institute (JHSI), training health workers for South Sudan.

Fun fact: Graham attended the same medical school as Drs Anil and Shalini Cherian who run the JHSI!

We chatted to Graham about his fundraising experience. Here’s what he said!

What motivated you to start a fundraiser?

Thinking about the situation in South Sudan and praying about it, I thought to myself – is there any way in which I could help? This led to the idea that since our cycling group cycled on a weekly basis, we could possibly use this to raise some funds for South Sudan.

Graham and his cycling group in Jesmond (Newcastle upon Tyne), supported by AID staff, decided to cycle 7,700 miles – the distance from Jesmond to Jonglei and back again – and raise £7,700. The group wildly exceeded expectations when they raised over £13,000 (including Gift Aid). You can read about his fundraiser here. Graham concluded:

This challenge has shown us powerfully that God works in amazing ways to help His people. We simply have to wait on the Lord. He will direct us and we simply have to say Yes, Lord.

What have been the highlights of your fundraising challenge?

The way the group of cyclists have become more cohesive, and of one mind during this challenge, all the cyclists went beyond their previous best performances… all are happier and fitter than when they started and are now familiar with AID and its work.

The other thing that impressed me was the enormous generosity of friends and family and the general public.

When Graham came to AID to say he wanted to run a fundraiser he was supported by staff to work out the finer details and set up a fundraising page. He said:

I feel that I was supported 100% (by the AID staff).

Why should someone else undertake a fundraising challenge?

People who undertake fundraising… are always inspired by compassion and need; the feeling to do something to help. This instinct I believe comes from God. And they will be fulfilled by simply making the effort.

A huge thanks to Graham and the Jesmond cyclists!

If you would like to start your own fundraiser, however big or small, or even if you have no ideas about what you would like to do, please do get in touch, we’d love to help you! Please contact: